With the participation of Mr. Victor Jose Castellanos, and Mrs. Martha Olga Garcia (both Judges of the Supreme Court of Justice) and Mr. Francisco Perez Lora, President Judge of Court for the Children and Adolescents, as well as spokesmen Mrs. Rosa Campillo Celado and Miguel Angel Heredia Bonetti, attorneys of the law firm Russin Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti, with collaboration of the APEC University and Idempresa, Specialized Superior Institute for Studies of Business and Corporate Law, Interamerican Law Federation (FIA), and Cedempresa, an entertaining and interactive dialog developed which allowed to evaluate the feasibility and pertinence of the proposal recently prepared of the Family Law (Codigo de Familia), which will have huge influences in population, in civil, commercial and criminal responsibilities that will affect family nucleus.


During the colloquium, Family Law new articles were presented, specifically Probate matters, Nullity of an adaption proceedings, Legal equity Rights of Children, Integral Protection which establishes the age limit for the alimony, guardianship, among other subjects of general population interest.


Wednesday, March 13th, 2013 at 6:00 pm
Salón APEC de la Cultura, José María Bonetti Burgos
De la Universidad Apec, Santo Domingo, D.N.

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